rgbmatrix – Low-level routines for bitbanged LED matrices

class rgbmatrix.RGBMatrix(*, width: int = None, bit_depth: int = None, rgb_pins: Sequence[digitalio.DigitalInOut] = None, addr_pins: Sequence[digitalio.DigitalInOut] = None, clock_pin: digitalio.DigitalInOut = None, latch_pin: digitalio.DigitalInOut = None, output_enable_pin: digitalio.DigitalInOut = None, doublebuffer: bool = True, framebuffer: Optional[WriteableBuffer] = None, height: int = 0)

Displays an in-memory framebuffer to a HUB75-style RGB LED matrix.

Create a RGBMatrix object with the given attributes. The height of the display is determined by the number of rgb and address pins: len(rgb_pins) // 3 * 2 ** len(address_pins). With 6 RGB pins and 4 address lines, the display will be 32 pixels tall. If the optional height parameter is specified and is not 0, it is checked against the calculated height.

Up to 30 RGB pins and 8 address pins are supported.

The RGB pins must be within a single “port” and performance and memory usage are best when they are all within “close by” bits of the port. The clock pin must also be on the same port as the RGB pins. See the documentation of the underlying protomatter C library for more information. Generally, Adafruit’s interface boards are designed so that these requirements are met when matched with the intended microcontroller board. For instance, the Feather M4 Express works together with the RGB Matrix Feather.

The framebuffer is in “RGB565” format.

“RGB565” means that it is organized as a series of 16-bit numbers where the highest 5 bits are interpreted as red, the next 6 as green, and the final 5 as blue. The object can be any buffer, but array.array and ulab.array objects are most often useful. To update the content, modify the framebuffer and call refresh.

If a framebuffer is not passed in, one is allocated and initialized to all black. In any case, the framebuffer can be retrieved by passing the RGBMatrix object to memoryview().

If doublebuffer is False, some memory is saved, but the display may flicker during updates.

A RGBMatrix is often used in conjunction with a framebufferio.FramebufferDisplay.

brightness :float

In the current implementation, 0.0 turns the display off entirely and any other value up to 1.0 turns the display on fully.

width :int

The width of the display, in pixels

height :int

The height of the display, in pixels


Free the resources (pins, timers, etc.) associated with this rgbmatrix instance. After deinitialization, no further operations may be performed.


Transmits the color data in the buffer to the pixels so that they are shown.