aesio – AES encryption routines

The AES module contains classes used to implement encryption and decryption. It aims to be low overhead in terms of memory.

class aesio.AES(key: ReadableBuffer, mode: int = 0, iv: Optional[ReadableBuffer] = None, segment_size: int = 8)

Encrypt and decrypt AES streams

Create a new AES state with the given key.

  • key (ReadableBuffer) – A 16-, 24-, or 32-byte key

  • mode (int) – AES mode to use. One of: AES.MODE_ECB, AES.MODE_CBC, or AES.MODE_CTR

  • iv (ReadableBuffer) – Initialization vector to use for CBC or CTR mode

Additional arguments are supported for legacy reasons.

Encrypting a string:

import aesio
from binascii import hexlify

key = b'Sixteen byte key'
inp = b'Circuit Python!!' # Note: 16-bytes long
outp = bytearray(len(inp))
cipher = aesio.AES(key, aesio.mode.MODE_ECB)
cipher.encrypt_into(inp, outp)
encrypt_into(self, src: ReadableBuffer, dest: WriteableBuffer)None

Encrypt the buffer from src into dest.

For ECB mode, the buffers must be 16 bytes long. For CBC mode, the buffers must be a multiple of 16 bytes, and must be equal length. For CTX mode, there are no restrictions.

decrypt_into(self, src: ReadableBuffer, dest: WriteableBuffer)None

Decrypt the buffer from src into dest. For ECB mode, the buffers must be 16 bytes long. For CBC mode, the buffers must be a multiple of 16 bytes, and must be equal length. For CTX mode, there are no restrictions.